Home Pop Rock Theory of a Deadman Medicate House of Blues San Diego

Theory of a Deadman Medicate House of Blues San Diego

Theory of a Deadman Medicate House of Blues San Diego

Images and Words by Johnnie Crow

Theory Of A Deadman brought their unique style of rock and roll to the House of Blues in San Diego, California on February 20, 2018. With well over a decade of hit songs to choose from, the entire set had the crowd smiling and singing along. Tyler Connolly is the consummate front man, always looking stylish, whether shredding on guitar or prowling the stage with a microphone. Drummer Joey Dandeneau is like a young Phil Collins, a madman on the kit delivering spot on backing vocals. Bassist Dean Back and guitarist Dave Brenner are in perfect synchronization, which a lifetime of touring together will do. Theory is clearly in their prime, as evidenced by their monster hit “Rx (Medicate)”” and their latest single “Straight Jacket”, which stack up well with all of their earlier hits. Nothing to do today? Go see Theory of a Deadman for an entertaining show from start to finish.

See below for a gallery of Theory Of A Deadman at House of Blues San Diego: